Don't be sad. Allah is there for you.

Don't be sad. Allah is there for you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Suka duka dalam persahabatan


Kali ini, Smiley ingin berkongsi dengan semua pengalaman saya dalam mengenali erti persahabatan yang sebenar. Ya, kita perlukan sahabat untuk bersama-sama kita dalam meniti arus perjuangan yang masih panjang ini. Mungkin bagi setengah orang tak perlulah untuk memiliki seorang insan yang digelar sahabat di sisi. 

Sepanjang pengemberaanku mencari nilai persahabatan yang sebenar amat menyakitkan. Kerana... bagiku, untuk mendapatkan jawapan yang sebenar, kita perlu terlebih dahulu untuk memahami diri mereka terlebih dahulu. Dan dalam usaha untuk memahami mereka itulah, kadang-kala, kita perlu mengetepikan perasaan kita sendiri, dan mengorbankan perasaan gembira yang dimiliki demi memiliki hati sahabat. 

"Wah, hebat betul falsafah kamu dalam persahabatan!"

"Ye ke? Saya takkan sekali berbuat sedemikian rupa. Tak sanggup la."

"Dia taknak berkawan dengan saya pun takpe, tak kisah."

Itulah jawapan yang sering atau mungkin dilontarkan oleh sesetengah individual yang masing-masing mempunyai prinsip yang berbeza. Tapi bagi diri ini, bila berkawan aku ingin sampai bila-bila. 

Dulu sikap egoku sering sahaja mendahului dalam setiap tindakanku. Namun, kini aku ingin mengubah diri menjadi lebih baik. Sejarah suka duka dalam bersahabat berjaya mematangkan diriku. Ya Allah, kuatkan diriku agar tabah dalam menjalani liku-liku kehidupan ini.

Semasa pengajian aku di bumi ilmu ini, berbagai ragam orang yang aku temui. Betapa beratnya kepiluan yang perlu aku tanggung. Dah nak habis pun satu semester di sini, terlalu banyak perkara yang aku pelajari. 'Mereka' inilah yang mem'bahagia'kan ku jua me'nyedih'kan ku. Dari situlah, aku teladani segala apa yang terjadi. Memang menyakitkan, namun, kita perlu bersabar. Ya, bersabar lah yang menjadikan diriku kuat. Kerana, aku sering teringat kalamullah;

(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153) 

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mohonlah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang yang besar"


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Exam is coming again...

It's just around the corner AND coming near to me and you..

In a fresh morning, a good time for us to study, right? 
Just wanna to wish to all my friends to do the best for the exam.
Facing the examination paper is something that everyone is trying to avoid. 
However, we must try our best to achieve the colorful result. 

Hopefully, all of us will gain the pleasure from ALLAH S.W.T.
I'm sure all of you wish for the success in life, right?
So, Let's do the Best for Islam and make our beloved family becomes proud of us.

Let's strive for the excellence. ^_^

Let's find the success in this world and also in the 'Akhirah'.. ^_^

Hijab in Islam: The Best Dress

For this entry, let me share something with all of you here...

 Actually, this topic "Hijab in Islam: The Best Dress" is my presentation's topic for subject 'Revelation as a Source of Knowledge'. Alhamdulillah, I did well for this presentation. It is quite surprised me when I read a story about a girl who reverted to Islam. She told her struggle to put on the hijab was very challenging. She had to face a lot of challenges and hindrances to wear hijab. However, after she embraced Islam, she still did not wear hijab. But, still she tried to change her style of dress and wore loose shirt and trousers. 

 She also wondered why Muslim women has to wear hijab. She wanted to find an absolute answer for all the questions came to her mind. To her, accepting something blindly without knowledge like wearing hijab will not be permanent. She wished to put on hijab forever in her life in order to gain Allah's pleasure. So, she observed every man's attitude towards women who did not cover the 'aurah' properly. Along her observation, she found that, men were attracted to those 'uncovered properly' women with 'bad desires' not as a respect towards women. 

 Finally, after great effort she put to find the answer, she chose to wear hijab. Yet, she realized that her parents would not agree with what she decided to do. Thinking of Allah's pleasure and life in al-Jannah, finally, she become a real Muslimah by following Allah's command.

 So, how about us?? Let's change ourselves for the better. ^_^

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Suka duka dalam persahabatan


Kali ini, Smiley ingin berkongsi dengan semua pengalaman saya dalam mengenali erti persahabatan yang sebenar. Ya, kita perlukan sahabat untuk bersama-sama kita dalam meniti arus perjuangan yang masih panjang ini. Mungkin bagi setengah orang tak perlulah untuk memiliki seorang insan yang digelar sahabat di sisi. 

Sepanjang pengemberaanku mencari nilai persahabatan yang sebenar amat menyakitkan. Kerana... bagiku, untuk mendapatkan jawapan yang sebenar, kita perlu terlebih dahulu untuk memahami diri mereka terlebih dahulu. Dan dalam usaha untuk memahami mereka itulah, kadang-kala, kita perlu mengetepikan perasaan kita sendiri, dan mengorbankan perasaan gembira yang dimiliki demi memiliki hati sahabat. 

"Wah, hebat betul falsafah kamu dalam persahabatan!"

"Ye ke? Saya takkan sekali berbuat sedemikian rupa. Tak sanggup la."

"Dia taknak berkawan dengan saya pun takpe, tak kisah."

Itulah jawapan yang sering atau mungkin dilontarkan oleh sesetengah individual yang masing-masing mempunyai prinsip yang berbeza. Tapi bagi diri ini, bila berkawan aku ingin sampai bila-bila. 

Dulu sikap egoku sering sahaja mendahului dalam setiap tindakanku. Namun, kini aku ingin mengubah diri menjadi lebih baik. Sejarah suka duka dalam bersahabat berjaya mematangkan diriku. Ya Allah, kuatkan diriku agar tabah dalam menjalani liku-liku kehidupan ini.

Semasa pengajian aku di bumi ilmu ini, berbagai ragam orang yang aku temui. Betapa beratnya kepiluan yang perlu aku tanggung. Dah nak habis pun satu semester di sini, terlalu banyak perkara yang aku pelajari. 'Mereka' inilah yang mem'bahagia'kan ku jua me'nyedih'kan ku. Dari situlah, aku teladani segala apa yang terjadi. Memang menyakitkan, namun, kita perlu bersabar. Ya, bersabar lah yang menjadikan diriku kuat. Kerana, aku sering teringat kalamullah;

(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153) 

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mohonlah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang yang besar"


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Exam is coming again...

It's just around the corner AND coming near to me and you..

In a fresh morning, a good time for us to study, right? 
Just wanna to wish to all my friends to do the best for the exam.
Facing the examination paper is something that everyone is trying to avoid. 
However, we must try our best to achieve the colorful result. 

Hopefully, all of us will gain the pleasure from ALLAH S.W.T.
I'm sure all of you wish for the success in life, right?
So, Let's do the Best for Islam and make our beloved family becomes proud of us.

Let's strive for the excellence. ^_^

Let's find the success in this world and also in the 'Akhirah'.. ^_^

Hijab in Islam: The Best Dress

For this entry, let me share something with all of you here...

 Actually, this topic "Hijab in Islam: The Best Dress" is my presentation's topic for subject 'Revelation as a Source of Knowledge'. Alhamdulillah, I did well for this presentation. It is quite surprised me when I read a story about a girl who reverted to Islam. She told her struggle to put on the hijab was very challenging. She had to face a lot of challenges and hindrances to wear hijab. However, after she embraced Islam, she still did not wear hijab. But, still she tried to change her style of dress and wore loose shirt and trousers. 

 She also wondered why Muslim women has to wear hijab. She wanted to find an absolute answer for all the questions came to her mind. To her, accepting something blindly without knowledge like wearing hijab will not be permanent. She wished to put on hijab forever in her life in order to gain Allah's pleasure. So, she observed every man's attitude towards women who did not cover the 'aurah' properly. Along her observation, she found that, men were attracted to those 'uncovered properly' women with 'bad desires' not as a respect towards women. 

 Finally, after great effort she put to find the answer, she chose to wear hijab. Yet, she realized that her parents would not agree with what she decided to do. Thinking of Allah's pleasure and life in al-Jannah, finally, she become a real Muslimah by following Allah's command.

 So, how about us?? Let's change ourselves for the better. ^_^